Friday, October 9, 2009

Two of a Kind

As I was downloading pictures off my camera, I noticed one of my mom holding Charlotte that reminded me very much of a picture that I have of my mom holding me. There are differences, but they are both so cute, and similar that I couldn't pass up sharing them!!

Charlotte's favorite visitor really is my mom!! My mom wasn't feeling very well today (probably due to that stupid nurse!) and so I just wanted to give a little thanks for all that she does! She is the most selfless person I know, and I think that she is the best example of what Heavenly Mother must be like that I can imagine. Maybe that is why all the little babies love her so much!! She feels so familiar to them!! :) Thanks Mom for always being there for us, and loving our little ones so much!! We love you too. Feel Better!!!!!


Hart's Home said...

Your mom is the best! I have always loved how she kisses babies! Surely your little one is blessed by those kisses.
Love, Aunt Pearl

Melanee Raynes said...

Mom is a saint. One day, when I grow up, I want to be half the woman Mom is.

Stefanie Raynes said...

AGREED. Mom is the shiznet. LOVE those pictures!