Wednesday, July 7, 2010

What happened to the "Halloween-er" Tradition?

As many people who know Danielle understand, she is a die hard Halloween Fan. It is her holiday, she loves it, loves the decorations, getting dressed up, the food, the family and the ambiance. After having been married for just a couple of Halloweens this enthusiasm and devotion to this great and wondrous day of mischief and mayhem has begun to rub off on me. So using logic and basic genetic math and reason, Charlotte should love Halloween above and beyond all other holidays...right? Well it may just be the fact that she did not have enough cognitive reasoning and development during her first Halloween (being less than a month old) but it appears that she might be a "4th-er". Charlotte decided to take a late nap on the day we celebrated the 4th and so she decided to stay up late and watch the fireworks, and lets just say that the proof is in the pudding, or if a picture is worth a thousand words, what is a video worth? I will present the evidence and let you decide for yourselves. Please comment and let us know if you think she is a permanent "4th-er" or if we can change her into a "Halloween-er" like her parents.

Exhibit A

Exhibit B

Exhibit C

(Hey everyone, thanks for visiting the Blog, Love Ya, Charlotte)


Stacie S-H said...

Looks like she was pretty into the 4th of July fireworks to me!

Melanee Raynes said...

You said "weener"

thinkmother said...

Perhaps she will be a multi-celibrator!

Lora said...

I'm just so amazed how unfazed she was by all the noise. Way cool.

karla said...

Hope Vicke is right about Liking more than one. She may enjoy Halloween as much as the 4th!?!! Fun in differnt ways. I agree w/Lora; she sure was Not uspset at All by the noise or sparks. Way Cool!!! And what at sweetie pie!! Looking forward to playing w/her soon.