So it was Ollie's first Christmas, and Charlee's first Christmas where she started to understand. There were ups and downs, but over all we loved Christmas so much. Here are some pictures for those who want to see.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
So it was Ollie's first Christmas, and Charlee's first Christmas where she started to understand. There were ups and downs, but over all we loved Christmas so much. Here are some pictures for those who want to see.
Posted by Bryan and Dani at 9:37 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Birthday and Picnic in the Car
So this last week/month have been very very hectic for us and a transition period as we are trying to get into this next phase of our lives. A couple of things that happened to us were Charlotte's second birthday and a picnic in the car. One of Danielle's favorite things to do is at the beginning of fall as the leaves start to turn, drive up the Provo canyon and look at all of trees as they are putting on a color show extravaganza. We went up a little bit later than usual, the night before the big chill here in Utah county. Well we decided to still go and make a night of it. So we loaded up some food and the three and a half of us and jumped in the Explorer and drove up the canyon, the colors were amazing. Then on the way back down as dark was falling we stopped at a little park and had a picnic. It was very chilly out so we decided to eat in the back of the car. It was super fun and Charlee had a great time.
Charlee's birthday was also very fun, she got some super fun presents and had a great time. She is really getting good at the presents and trying to blow out the candles. Here are a couple of pictures to remember these activities. Thanks for coming by and visiting us. Enjoy the pics.

Posted by Bryan and Dani at 8:15 PM 1 comments